I am Indianapolis born and raised. I just recently made the move down to sunny South Florida. I aim to provide the best candidates to my clients by diving deep into the candidate's story, experience, and desires in a new role. I am proud to work for CyberCoders... Read more
I am Indianapolis born and raised. I just recently made the move down to sunny South Florida. I aim to provide the best candidates to my clients by diving deep into the candidate's story, experience, and desires in a new role. I am proud to work for CyberCoders as we are one of the top recruiting firms in the nation. We are well versed in vetting the most qualified candidates for your open roles. CyberCoders takes pride in opening doors to new beginnings and great opportunities for candidates all over the country. You can reach me anytime at (317)796-8007 or at corey.sanders@cybercoders.com
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